The hard work paid off.

Clients who absolutely crushed it with TLW!

“I just want to say thank you so much for your support. This challenge has helped my relationship with food so much. I've never been on a plan where I don't feel like I'm starving myself or being overly restrictive. I also feel like I learned so much about food that I didn't know before. Thank you so much!”

“I’m so thankful to Ashley and Ashton for all the tools and support TLW provided me to be successful in changing my mindset and relationship with food. I’m excited to continue to work with the TLW family! I’m not done, it’s just the beginning.”

“The Lifestyle Way has truly shown me how to balance fitness and nutrition while still enjoying life! The weekly check-ins helped celebrate my wins and dial in areas of improvement. The weight I lost was secondary to the lifelong sustainable habits I gained!”

“It has now been a year since I’ve worked with her but by implementing what she taught me consistently my weight has never fluctuated back those 20 pounds.
I went from 142 to 126 and it has
been sustainable.”


“The biggest thing The Lifestyle Way has taught me is that I can live a normal life and still get fit while doing it.”


“I think people often perceive tracking macros as overly restrictive, and it doesn’t have to be at all. It’s important to understand that with the right approach, it can be a fulfilling and enjoyable way to nourish your body.” 

"At my 50 year high school reunion everyone asked me what I had been doing because I looked amazing. One of the committee members who I had seen 3 weeks ago came up to me and said, "omg you look incredible." He kept staring at me so intently and I finally said, "no, I have not had plastic surgery!" He said, "come on then, tell me what you have been doing." So I told him, "TLW baby!

“I am getting stronger and losing fat without having an unhealthy relationship with food. I am able to enjoy life and not feel like I’m missing out on fun. I have been doing this for a year and haven’t stopped. Any other ‘diet’ I would have probably stopped doing in less than a year.”

It's your turn!

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1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching

The ultimate path to results. Work directly with a coach to find the right way that fits into your life, forever. Build confidence and unmatched energy. Get structure, guidance, and a shoulder to lean on when it gets hard.

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The TLW Membership

Weekly workouts (whether you have 10mins or an hour), monthly nutrition check-ins and access to our unreal TLW community that supports each other along the way. 

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Stop Dieting and See Results Bootcamp

Sometimes you need a hyper-focused space of time to make big changes with huge impact. Our next challenge starts in September 2023.

“The Lifestyle Way took the guesswork out of eating and the validation that I wasn’t eating too much or too little. It was such a boost to my food insecurity. As crazy as it sounds, I really do feel like my life has changed.”

“I have been building this into a lifestyle and making it work by eating way more and seeing the changes. I’m still able to eat things like Chik-fil-A or sushi. I love the increased confidence I feel when trying on clothes or a bikini.”

“I have tried to commit to any and every ‘diet’ in the world. I cannot express how thankful I am to have this program that didn’t make me cut things out, I wasn’t hungry all the time, and never once did I feel like my eating was out of control.”

“The Lifestyle Way has changed my life forever. It gave me the confidence and education I need to wake up every day and give my best effort. It changed my mindset about food in general and didn’t limit what I could and couldn’t eat. The biggest impact it has had in my life is my routines. It has taught me if I take care of myself first then I am more equipped to do all of my mom, wife & nurse tasks.”

“My greatest win is learning I can be consistent with work trips, vacations, holidays and family coming into town.”

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