Because it’s personal.

1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching built for unreal confidence and radiant energy.
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No guesswork.
No frustration.
Just results.

It’s never a good feeling wondering if what you’re doing is the right thing. One on one coaching takes the guesswork out to guarantee that we are moving the needle in the right direction. 

There is structure in place, so that all you have to do is show up and execute. Being your coach, it’s our job to be there for you through the good, bad and ugly. 

We will work together through obstacles and hold you accountable to make this stick for a lifetime.

It’s easy to let yourself down. But when you have someone holding you accountable who is counting on you to do your part, it’s a game changer. We work together as a team to win.

What you get



One mandatory check-in a week, along with a weekly accountability form submitted to your coach, and a monthly phone call. All of this holds you accountable, for us to better help you so we can guarantee your progress is headed in the right direction.

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Meal Plans

We provide weekly recipes that not just you will enjoy but your entire family will enjoy. If there’s something you don’t like, we sub it out for something you do like. Planning is half the battle and we do it for you. You don’t have to think about it, you just do it.

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The TLW App

Our member-exclusive TLW App is updated with 3 new recipes a week, workouts you’ll get excited about doing with video guidance on every movement, quick Grab & Go options for food and much more.


Easy shopping grocery list

A customized list based on your nutrition plan. Take the guesswork out of meal planning and grocery shopping.

Win with accountability

The difference between average results (or no results, yikes) is accountability. We hold you true to your goals, true to your potential, and are there for you in the tough moments.

Know how much to eat

Personalized nutrition calculations based off your body weight, activity level and goal so you can see results faster.

The Lifestyle Way Course

Teaching you the 7 steps of TLW so you can learn the how’s and the why’s of why we eat all food groups for our body to work at it’s best.

Best snack options

Tips on your best snack options so you never have to think about what snacks to grab and go.

Meal plan like
a pro

How to meal plan for the week because let’s be honest failure to plan is planning to fail.

Master your mindset

If you can’t work on how you feel inside, you won’t ever be happy with your outside, which makes seeing results harder.

Weekly workouts

Weekly workouts in The Lifestyle Way App, with video description of how and what to do so you don’t ever have to think about what workout to do for that day. These workouts can be done anywhere with just a set of dumbbells and a jump rope.

Support from your coach

We take on a limited amount of client so we can provide far above average support. We’re in it with you all the way!

Here’s the deal: We don’t accept everyone into 1 on 1 coaching. This is a serious program for women who are ready to go all in on their potential. If that’s you, please
fill out the application to get started. If you're looking for something effective that's less intense, check out our TLW Membership.

Is 1 on 1 right for me?

It works if you work it. 

But you have to be willing to put in the work and do the best that you can with each day given. 

If this is done, then you can expect to get exactly what you’re looking for. 

If that’s fat loss, getting stronger, creating habits that you’re able to sustain, enjoying life events without feeling like you’ve blown your plan and/or learning how to be a good example for everyone in your circle.

This is not a quick fix, so I do ask that you commit to yourself, to your coach and to the program for at least 6 months. 

If you do this then you will get exactly what you’re looking for physically, mentally and emotionally.

“This was the best decision I’ve ever made when it comes to taking my health back. I can’t wait to see where I’m at a year from now. I couldn’t have done this without Ashley.”


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