Find a whole new you.

Reach your fitness and aesthetic goals without sacrificing mealtimes with your loved ones (or pizza)
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How many diets have failed us?

Keto, Paleo, intermittent fasting, carb backloading, carb cycling,  juicing, vertical diet, starving yourself... you get the idea.

They promise the world. You’ve seen them work on other people. But when you’ve tried it, they just left you wondering, what’s wrong with me? I am not able to keep this weight off permanently.

First of all... it’s not you.

It’s that these diets are so hard to sustain (especially for super busy moms) that they make staying consistent impossible.

These diets push you to:

- Diet to the extreme (starve yourself or eliminate certain foods)

- Put a time limit to your health (lose 20 pounds of fat in 30 days)

- Be so strict that it’s not maintainable or realistic for your lifestyle

And we know how it goes. Try, fail, feel disappointed in yourself, and gain all the weight back (and then some).

But we know a better way. The Lifestyle Way. And we’ll teach you.

Three ways to a whole new you

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1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching

The ultimate path to results. Work directly with a coach to find the right way that fits into your life, forever. Get structure, guidance, and a shoulder to lean on when it gets hard. 

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The TLW Membership

Weekly workouts (whether you have 10mins or an hour), monthly nutrition check-ins and access to our unreal TLW App and community that supports each other along the way. 

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Trash Diets and Gain Results Course

Sometimes you need a hyper-focused space of time to make big changes with huge impact. Our next challenge starts in May 2024.

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We serve the women that too often put themselves last, but deserve to put themselves first. 

My journey into diet and exercise started just like yours, as over exercising and under eating. Then I started to compete as a high level CrossFit Athlete and learned to fuel my body with what it needed to work at its best, to be the strongest and fastest I could be.

However I still had a lot to work on… if I wasn’t eating clean I felt like a failure and if I didn’t train for 2+ hours I also felt like a failure.

Then I became a mom…
and that changed everything for me.

I didn’t want my daughter to see me categorizing certain foods as cheats and thinking that she needed to exercise for countless hours a day to look and feel a certain way.

So I started really diving deep into learning even more about food and exercise and realized that we don’t have to work out for hours a day or starve yourself/only eating certain foods to get the same results.

That was the birth of The Lifestyle Way. And I want it to be your way.


Ashley Kolozsvary, Founder

“Unlike my previous attempts with keto, intermittent fasting, and whole 30, this approach has truly become a lasting lifestyle change.”


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